What are weather sensors? In regards to irrigation, they are a device that takes into account the weather to decide if your sprinkler system should run on its scheduled time. There are many different versions of these sensors and many different manufacturers that provide them. The most common version is the rain sensor, but there are also sensors that measure wind, temperature, and ET (evaporation and transpiration). Using a sensor that takes into account these factors can significantly reduce your water usage.
In order to use one of these new sensors, the first thing we would want to do is make sure that your current controller is compatible with the weather sensor. For almost all controllers there is a weather sensor that will be compatible. The more bells and whistles that the sensor has, the more advanced the controller will need to be to work properly. The more advanced sensors take into account all weather factors, including temperature, wind, and precipitation. These sensors can also adjust run-times on your zones to put the appropriate amount of water depending on the weather conditions. Utilizing these sensors can decrease the amount of water your sprinkler system uses by 70%. That’s a lot of water and money savings!
You can upgrade your system and install one of these sensors and start saving money. Some of these sensors have a warranty of ten years, so once it is installed you shouldn’t have to worry about anything for a decade. If your current weather sensor is malfunctioning or it’s time for an upgrade, installing a new weather sensor to improve your sprinkler system and lawn is a great idea.