There are many benefits to using a smart controller; it saves water, money, time, and is very convenient. We have gone over some of the benefits in previous blogs, so today we will focus on the ability to use our smart phones in order to keep tabs on our irrigation controller.
Irrigation controllers are constantly being upgraded, and recently one of the upgrades is the ability to control the system through our smart phones. Most irrigation manufacturers have this technology or are developing it. There are many advantages to being able to control our systems from anywhere. Being able to change watering times due to a change in the weather can save us water and prevent under-watering. Maybe you are out of town on vacation in September and we have a stretch of unseasonably cold days. This technology allows you to tap into your irrigation system and turn the run times down or even off, saving you time, water, and especially money. The same scenario could play out during extremely hot periods of the summer. With your smart controller, forgetting to add a little time to the run times during these dry and hot periods would be an easy fix. Just log into the program, adjust your settings, and come home to lush watered lawn.
These controllers can save you up to 70% of your water consumption on your irrigation system, leaving your lawn just as healthy, and saving a lot of water in the process. As more advancements emerge with these technologies we will be sure to keep you posted!