Symptoms of this pest include:
a. thinning out of turf grass all the way to bare patches of dirt. (Grab turf with one hand and pull up; if turf pulls up easily, this is a sign of Grub damage)
b. mole/vole tunnels. These rodents love to feed on Grubs. New tunnels and an increased number of tunnels should raise suspicion.
c. extreme leaf damage. Pictured above is an adult Japanese Beetle feeding and the clear damage that it is causing.
Controlling this pest is best done preventatively and curatively. In the spring and fall a granular insecticide or fertilizer/insecticide can be applied to the turf. The downfall with this is worms and other beneficial insects will also be eradicated. In the middle of the summer a foliar insecticide spray can be used as a contact method of control. This control method is extremely effective. The downfall of this is catching the problem before the beetles defoliate your desired plant. Crop scouting is still the most effective way to stay on top of this problem. Further information can be found at http://www.extension.umn.edu/garden/turfgrass/. The specialists at Barrett can also help diagnose and treat this problem. Contact us today!