Rest assured we are following the directives of local and state health professionals and have the most up-to-date information regarding the virus to help prevent its spread. Our teams are also implementing the following procedures to ensure safety.
At Barrett Headquarters
• Employees who can work from home have been instructed to do so.
• Employees are keeping a social distance of 6-10 feet at all times.
• Employee hours are staggered to keep only 5-10 people in the office at any given time.
• Employees understand they are not to come to work if they are sick.
• A method of constant communication has been enlisted with employees to check in on their health and understanding of the most current information about the virus.
In Barrett Vehicles
• Only one employee is allowed in a vehicle at a time, which is the current mandate for plowing.
• All vehicles are wiped down after use.
Customer Contact
• A majority of communication with customers is done remotely through phone calls, emails, etc.
• Any crew/customer meeting onsite will remain outside and maintain a 6-10-foot distance if walking the property with the customer.
Ongoing Commitment
• We are committed to doing the best we can to meet customers’ needs while maintaining safe practices.
• We plan to keep employees paid, even if that means digging into reserves.
• During this uncertain time, Barrett will be donating a portion of profits to the Sheridan Story, an organization that combats hunger in our community by filling the gaps to food access that children face on weekends, during summers and now, during the coronavirus pandemic.
We value you our customers and believe in the spirit of our community. We vow to do our part to take care of each other during this challenging time.